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The Commercial Department comprises of Purchasing Section, Insurance Section and Government Agencies Affairs Section. 

The Commercial Department is responsible for the sales, marketing and purchases of the estates and palm oil mills under the agency’s management.

The main emphasis of Commercial Department is to obtain the best price for sales and purchases. We provide the following services:-

1) Purchases of estates’ requirements such as fertilizers, agrochemicals, seedlings, heavy equipment, vehicles, fuel, etc.

The purchases of estates’ requirements are done centrally at the Commercial Department. By purchasing in bulk and through periodic tender system, maximum discounts are obtained from major suppliers. These discounts are given back to the estates whereby the estates will enjoy the full benefits of such discounts. 

Commercial Department deals with the following types of fertilizers as recommended by our experienced Visiting Agents such as :-
  • a) Straight Fertilizers :-
    • - Muriate of Potash 60% K2O 
    • - Sulphate of Ammonia 21% N 
    • - Egyptian Rock Phosphate 26% P2O5
    • - Natural Kieserite 26% MgO ( German, China, Indonesia ) 
    • - Borate 45% B2O3
    • - Copper Sulphate 22% CuO
    • - Zinc Sulphate 21/22% Zn
    • - Urea 46% N
    • - Ground Magnesium Limestone 15% MgO
  • b) Compound & Mixtures :-
    • - Hi Kay Plus,
    • - Compounds 45, 55, 6
    • - Mixture NK 1
    • - Korn Kali Special
    • - Kieserbor 23% MgO + 4.5 B2O3
    • - Di Ammonium Phosphate 18%N, 46%P2O5
    • - etc.
To ensure the quality of fertilizers, the estates under our agency are advised to do fertilizer analysis for every consignment of fertilizer delivered to the estates.

Samples of fertilizers are analysed according to SIRIM standard procedures at established and reputable laboratories.

2. Sales and purchases of commodity products such as palm products and rubber products.
  • Sales of Palm products such as fresh fruit bunches (FFB), crude palm oil (CPO), palm kernel (PK), coconuts, copra and cocoa.
  • Sales of rubber products such as SMR, latex, cup lumps etc. (local & export).

3. Monitoring the despatches of fertilizers, agrochemicals, logistic, etc. to estates. Purchases of major items are programmed systematically in such a manner that the supplies to estates will arrive on time.

4. Preparation of agreements, shipping and banking documentation for all sales and purchases of the group.

5. The Insurance Section examines and reviews the existing insurance policies taken by the estates .

6. Dealing with Government Agencies such as Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Royal Malaysian Customs, Land Office, etc. on registration, licences, assessment, quit rent, etc.

Samples of Fertilisers

Plantation Agencies Sdn Berhad

Registration No. 195501000033 (2603-D)
3rd Floor, 2 Lebuh Pantai,
10300 George Town,
Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : 04-2625 333, 04-2614 417, 04-2624 518
Fax : 04-2622 018, 04-2625 348
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